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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Clients Say the Darnedest Things

When I was a copywriter for an ad agency that specialized in audio marketing -- or on-hold phone messages (see my previous post) -- I wrote the scripts for my clients but had to get their approval before we recorded and produced the messages. Some clients, however, insisted on writing them themselves.

The following are actual excerpts from client scripts that must have seemed innocuous enough at first. But on a second read? Maybe not so much.
"Need more than just a good night's sleep?"

"Avoid organ meats..."

"Satisfy every guest, every time!"

"Come 'swing' with the best of 'em!"

"We're always open to your input..."


  1. Of course, an extra added service was when the clients sent in their own materials for you to write - and they were full of typos that were rather heinous.

    Example: The apartment community that sent me their "amenities" brochure that said, "Have fun barbecuing down at our pubic grill." The one missing letter made this rather disturbing instead of inviting.


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